Sunday, August 17, 2008

hanging out with a good friend... in a very unusual way

a good friend of mine is currently serving as a journeyman in senegal.  while it is sometimes hard having her so far away, modern technology helps make the distance not quite so distant.  between email and online chatting via skype (if you haven't heard of this and you need to keep in touch with someone in another country, check it out), we are able to catch up at least once a week.  

while living in africa provides many fun and interesting experiences for her, watching the olympics is a hard one to come by... so we created a way for her to get to watch michael phelps swim for his 8th gold medal together using 2 laptops, my TV and a camcorder.  while we were using video chat, she wasn't able to get the full effect of the race so i posted the video online so that she could see the full race.  here's the video complete with commentary provide by us as we enjoyed each others company and the race.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This video made my night. I loved to hear marty's voice!! you guys are hilarious.