Wednesday, May 9, 2007

i was reading in relevant magazine an article about, which is a website with the sole purpose of educating about abortion.

the article interviews michael spielman, founder of, and asks him these three questions: (i'll look at questions 1 & 3)

(1) what inspired you to start
(2) what's the most inspiring story you've heard as a result?
(3) what is your vision for the future of the website?

spielman says that he started the website "after realizing that abortion is not primarily a political issue so much as a people issue, a 'love your neighbor' issue." he decided that he needed to educate himself on the issue of abortion before he could educate others, and that he was "stunned by how overwhelming the biological case against abortion actually is." speilman believes that when "the secular evidence against abortion is sufficiently presented, minds change."

his vision for the website, and the accompanying resources, is to get better at communicating the message. he states, "to have a widespread cultural impact, we need widespread cultural exposure. as christians say that abortion is murder but act as if it's no big deal, nothing will change. but as christians get better understanding of what abortion is and does, their likelihood of engaging the culture with this issue increases dramatically."

Ultimately, "no matter what happens on the legal level, the more somebody knows about abortion, the less likely they are to have one, and that's a very good thing."

here is a video from the website:

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