this weekend i will be heading out of town. because of the kindness of some great people in my life, i get to get away.
i won't be going far away from home, which is fine since distance is not what i need.
i need to rest. to reflect. to recover.
God's grace and faithfulness continues to astound me. i can't believe all of the ways that He's moving and working around me... and i recognize that i must stop... so that i can reflect on how He's working in me.
while i rest and reflect... i'll be staying here:
enjoying a room similar to this one:
i covet your prayers as i seek the Lord and how He is speaking to me.
so if you call or email this weekend, please do not be offended if you don't hear back from me until monday. know that i love you... but i need to be still... and for that to work... i'll need to do it without spending a lot of time on a cell phone and the internet.